Discovering Heroes® Series K-5 Curriculum Units

CONTEXT PRODUCTIONS® Curriculum units for kindergarten through fifth grade accompany each book in the non-fiction, Discovering Heroes® series trilogy. Created by educators within the 9/11 community, the units are thoughtfully put together to engage students of all ages in real stories and true acts of heroism from that day. Units include full lessons, learning activities and background for instructors. Unit teaching and learning processes support learning standards.
Each unit comes with a suggested implementation schedule, a unit description, objectives, 9/11 background information for the teacher, multiple lessons, including essential and guided questions, and an appendix of unit materials full of learning activities for students that pertain to the books in the series.
The curriculum is so valuable for youth across America, the units are being provided for free. The books in the Discovering Heroes® series are available at significantly discounted prices for schools and non-profit organizations.
To request access to CONTEXT PRODUCTIONS® Curriculum and/or to purchase the books in the Discovering Heroes® series, please contact
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