
‘Remembering Heroes’ (Second Book in the Discovering Heroes® Series )

Book Cover of "Remembering Heroes"Title: Remembering Heroes (Second Book in the Discovering Heroes® Series )
Published by: Context Productions
Release Date: February 2019
Contributors: Kristie Kiernan Bouryal
Genre: ,
Pages: 46
ISBN13: 9781732991316 (Paperback); 9781732991309 (Hardcover); 9781732991330 (ePub); 9781732991323 (Read Aloud ePub); 9781734505597 (Audiobook)

In this story, based on real events and people, Tyler, Olivia and Sophia join their grandparents at a memorial service for September 11, 2001 at the Fire Department of the City of New York's Rescue Company 1. There, they learn about some of their grandparents' brave friends, everyday heroes and uncover a lot they never knew about America's darkest day by asking questions and actively listening. Join in their discoveries. Together, we can help the kids of today and tomorrow to never forget.

"Remembering Heroes" is the second book in the Discovering Heroes® series of books for kids of all ages, especially 7-11. "My Buddy's a Hero - And I Didn't Even Know It" is the first book in the series. "9/11 Courage and Tributes" is the third.



The books are available at discounted prices to educational institutions and non-profit organizations through the Tunnel to Towers 9/11 Instituteor contact us at for an estimate.

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The books are also available at retail prices to consumers through the Official Online Store of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, where every sale benefits America's heroes.

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